Exercise - Why It Became Fun

Exercising the mind & the body as part of my puppies daily routine, helped me start to see light at the end of the tunnel. As my canine companions were now starting to understand what I needed from them, by following my lead from the dog training group, as well as their need to please me, was really starting to see results.  

I could now start to enjoy my puppies being a part of my life rather than stressing about their unruly behavior up to this point. It also opened up the door to start enjoying exercise, as we were working together to enable them to be able to run off leash. This helped to burn off the extra energy but they knew when I called their name along with “Come” they needed to come back to me, which they did, especially when a tasty treat was in my hand.  

One great tip my class trainer shared with me on our first class was so simple but made such a difference. She said when you let your dog off leash, call their name & command to come, stand still, remain in the same place with my arms folded, completely quite then wait for them to come and find you.  

Initially this took a little learning, along with mild panic from me, but I only let off one puppy at a time or they would compete in speed races. I did exactly as instructed and eventually the puppy would realise they had lost contact with me and would desperately seek me out. Once they came back they got a treat, went on the lead and off we went. It didn’t take many sessions like this until the puppy wouldn’t go far and always came back straight away when called. What a relief!  

Now was the time to look at other types of exercise like agility which both Cockerpoo’s and Labradoodles are great at, it focuses the mind and uses pent up energy. They really focus on you so they know what the next move is, while getting treats for each stage completed. 

This was just one of the things we started to look at and enjoy together. But most of all was the simple pleasure of being able to go on long walks while the puppies took it in turns to go off leash, run around and chase balls etc.  

I share my stories of how difficult I found it owning 2 puppies that didn’t suit me or my lifestyle as I don’t want you to make the same mistake and encourage you to do your research and find a dog that will really suit your lifestyle and energy levels. It really will solve so many potential problems before you even start to think about how to raise your new puppy. 

If you haven’t already don’t forget to try my quiz to help you find your perfect puppy http://tiny.cc/FunPuppyQuiz